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blathers plays video games with friends (part 3)

Last time, nobody won the fight, but now Blathers is tired and just wants to play some games with his friends. Should he invite them over to play, or should he play online with them? Posts ending in 3, 5, and 7 decide.

Holy fuck this is hilarious. I hope you've been cataloging all of this in an album somewhere. Celeste starts to vomit ants and melts into a skeleton covered in ants. This scares the hell of of Blathers and he runs into his museum and slams the door in an absolute panic.

Sorry about the skeleton celeste anon, i tried to make it but I think it was a bit too guro-y, even if it's crudely drawn. Just imagine the frame before blathers with the red background as him seeing the horrific skeleton.

(note: statement doesn't apply because this is the uncensored imgur album)

Should Celeste and Blathers stop their fighting and do other things, or continue fighting? 3, 5, and 7 decide what happens next.

Celeste tells Blathers that’s she’s pregnant, and Marshal is the father
>>Renee says "yo yo yo, yare yare daze" as she enters the scene

interesting. 3, 5, and 7 decide.

Celeste summoned Big Top falling from the sky on top of Blathers
>>Redd's boat crashes into the scene with Gulliver trampled underneath.

what now? 3, 5, and 7 decide.

Blathers vs. Celeste, posts ending in 3, 5, and 7 decide where the fight goes.

blathers vs. celeste (part 2)
>>Blathers is struck by lightning and splits into two, one being Nega Blathers. He has all the powers and abilities of Nega Blathers, but doesn't actually mind bugs all that much.

Flick commits suicide by Scorpion ans Blathers gets his Owl peen sucked by Ankha

the end

3 and 5 decide who fights Blathers next.

Blathers summons his sister celeste from the sky and she smites the scorpion saving him

I can't believe scorpion is dead
0-5 decides what happens next
let's make this more conclusive

a meteorite falls down, causing Celeste to wish for something. Moments later, a scorpion shuffles by and Blathers screams, waking up Flick
>>Pashmina starts singing k.k. Rider

i'm back, posts ending in 0-5 decide where the fight between blathers and flick goes



I'm gonna go for a walk, and when I come back, the posts will be 0-5.

someone getting a 3 or 5 will happen annnnny second now...
on second thought i'll add 1 to that

Isabelle's missing sock.
>>Redd is building a stand, forcing everyone to pay entry if they wanna see the tism fight
>>gulliver washes up and starts spilling rusted parts everywhere
no one will hit the 3 or 5, eh?
>>The villager dressed as Yugi from Yugioh just walks buy, sees them sperk and smiles to the viewer, holding up a 5 of hearts and says "Victory is mine"

posts ending in 3 or 5 get to decide where the fight goes, but i'll make an exception here
what now?

CJ comes to back up Flick, but Celeste comes to back up Blathers. CJ and Celeste actually reach an understanding and refuse to participate though.

what now?

Flick summons a Grand Atlas Moth
>>Blathers cowers in fear
>Blathers spergs out at the mere threat of bugs from Flick and goes into an autistic rampage flapping his wings and hooting madly.

now what?

blathers vs. flick (the real title is blathers quest with /acg/, so i'll redo this page later since imgur doesn't let me change the title) (part 1) there is also some blood
also seizure warning

blathers vs. flick
posts ending in 3 and 5 decide who fights first and what they do

angawd asked:
blathers! is there any mythology relating to your world that you know of?

Hoo, it is quite a pity that Farway will not let me show these within the art wing of the museum, though. I don’t get their vigorous obsession with purely human-made artistic artifacts…

Hooooo, I deeply apologize for how long this has taken to come to fruition. I had to do lots of paperwork from Farway in order to make this possible, wot. But, feel free to ask me anything, and I will try to respond within a week!


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